Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I think I am just going to pretend that yesterday's food choices just did not happen beacause it went down hill after my posting yesterday :) I have not done very good with posting my food pics yet. Today I enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at a little diner in our small town. The diner has been open for quite a while and has changed muliple owners but this time has stayed the same for a while. Anyways we thought we should try it out being that it is right down the road from our home. I enjoyed a veggie omlete, american homefries, homemade w/w toast, and of course a cup of coffe...yummy! After breakfast my hubby and I headed to a bowl-a-thon that we participated in. The bowl-a-thon was for a 24 crisis hotline here in our town. This was actually our second year participating! I heard that the event raised around $35,000 this year...awsome!!! HOPEFULLY, I can start getting my pics posted tomorrow. Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween.

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