Saturday, October 23, 2010

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I think when we hear the word "healthy" we all have different opinions of what that actually means. When I hear healthy I think of body, mind, and soul. Once all of these are in balance then I truly believe we have obtained health.

In my opinion, when women constantly feel the need to meet societies standard of what beautiful is or try to fit a mold of what a women should be, it creates an unhealthy balance in our system. Society is sending out a message that if you don't look this certain way then you don't have any value. It took me a long time to feel that I am beautiful and have alot to offer even though I may not meet societies standards of beauty. I say screw that standard!

The Today Show had girls on there who are redefining beautiful by going make-up free one day a week. See video here:

These girls got the idea from Operation Beautiful. This website is awesome and I think it is so exiting that women and even men are starting to redefine this term. See the official operation beautiful website here:

What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you feel that society is setting an unrealistic image of what beautiful is? Do you think it is getting better?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome Back to Me!

So, I just realized that I had not posted anything on this blog in almost a year! That completely blows my mind because it does NOT feel like it has been that long. I originally started this blog a year ago this month...crazy! My orignial intent was to blog about my journey to be "healthy." I have since decided that I will blog about whatever I am feeling! Today I am warming up and welcoming myself back into the blog world. That's all I got for now.