Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How do you feel about yourself?

Back to reality. Today is actually my Monday. My husband and I were both off Monday so today we are back to the grind :)

The Today showed did a great segment today on how women feel bad about their bodies. They found that the average women has 13 negative comments about themselves on a daily basis. 13?!? That is crazy. The negative comments were actually really perverse and if a significant other were to say these comments it would be considered emotional abuse. So why is it OK for women to talk/think about themselves this way? They went on to say that women have actually trained themselves to think this way and it has actually become "normal" to think badly about ourselves. It's so sad that women put so much of their worth in their looks. There is so many things, other than looks, that women can contribute to society.

They also followed up with ways to turn this harmful thinking around! Read about them here:


I can definitely see how this happens. You see, I use to struggle with my self image and did not think very highly about myself. A couple of years ago, I said screw that! I am beautiful and I am sick of feeling like I am not good enough. It wasn't helping anyone by my negative thinking. I am happy with my body! Don't get me wrong, I still struggle SOMETIMES, however, I can usually push those thoughts out of my mind and focus on the positive. Instead of trying to loose weight or focus so much on being skinny I started focusing on being thankful for a strong healthy body. I also know that when I work-out (by doing things I actually enjoy) and eating good wholesome food I am fueling that positive outlook about my body because these are things that make me feel good.

I leave you with a quote to think about:

"It seems to me there`s this tyranny that`s not accidental or incidental, to make women feel compelled to look like somebody they`re not. I think the effort is being made to get us to turn our time and attention to this instead of important political issues."
~Eve Ensler

How does this quote make you feel? Do you agree that maybe they are trying to take our attention away from more important issues?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cranky Pants

Boy oh Boy am I cranky today! This is never a good feeling. Ok, just needed to get that off of my chest. Back for more soon! Hopefully with a better attitude.
This picture totally made me laugh (taken from google images).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Made these cookies yesterday....

(photo and receipe taken from smitten kitchen)

Peanut butter cookies. Do yourself a favor and make them..... now. http://smittenkitchen.com/2007/12/peanut-butter-cookies/ I enjoyed one (or 6) after I made them yesterday and one (or three) with my coffee this morning.

I have really been enjoying cooking/baking new receipies lately but I have, unfortunately, been a bit of a train wreck in the kitchen. It is so frustrating! Even my husband can't believe how hard I am trying but failing (for lack of a better word). These cookies turned out quite well so I am happy :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

I love winter but....

Holy moly do I wish I was back in Maui. I miss that place so much! Hands down my favorite place on earth (so far).

But instead I am stuck in 7 degree temp weather, rushing to get my homework done because I have, again, waited until the last minute to start working on it. Ugh...why do I always do this?

Where is the most beautiful place you have ever traveled? If given the opportunity to travel anywhere, where would you choose?
Do you, like me, always wait until the last minute to complete certain tasks?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Well, hello there cutie....

I must say that I have a slight obsession with cuties (aka: clementines). They are so juicy and full of flavor that I just keep going back for more!
Today I got to enjoy another day off as we were closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I started the day off with a big yummy breakfast (breakfast is my FAVORITE meal of the day):

* Two Eggs

* 1/2 of an everything bagel w/ veggie cream cheese

* 1 Cutie ;)

* 2 cups of coffee (I drink my coffee black)

so yummy! I will have to say that I am a bagel lover but the bagels I buy have lots of crazy ingredients in them which makes me sad. Anyone recommendations on good bagels w/out a scary ingredient list?

I met my mom for lunch and we split a turkey club sandwich (turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo) and fries.

For a snack I had a banana w/ PB (so easy and yet oh so delicious).

Matt and I were taking Millie to the vet (for her last set of shots) so I picked up a pizza (deluxe pizza) for dinner. The pizza was good but for some reason, I have been craving a big green salad. I think I will have that for lunch tomorrow.

Going to watch Mad Men w/ Matt. We have Netflix so we thought we would give this this show a try. Have you started watching any new TV shows lately? If so, which ones?
Back to reality tomorrow. Everyone have a great day!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Time Flies...

I cannot believe that it has been another 4 months since I have last posted on here. I am definitely going to work on blogging in 2011. Here is a fun little update...the newest member of our family.... little miss Millie